Sarah Palin Uncensored

It’s aggravating that Charlie Gibson would not only ask mind numbingly stupid questions that only the tin foil hat brigrade is interested in during the ABC interview of Sarah Palin, but it’s even more aggravating that ABC would edit so viciously to take so much of the pith and wisdom out of Sarah Palin’s replies.

Charlie’s tortuous pimping of five year old talking points and gotchas ranged from terminal BDS misinterpretation of the “Bush Doctrine” to idiotic smears about book banning and global warming apostasy. In that environment it’s tough to have an intelligent conversation about matters essential to America, but Sarah still managed until they they edited out the pith that is.

Gibson was truly on a hunt for the damning sound bite, and not an objective interview. You can see this clearly in the transcript of sections of the interview edited out posted at Mark Levine’s. You see she’s much more knowledgeable about the nature of our relationship with Russia, and the strategy of the moment than Charlie is. You see she is definitely against Islamic terrorism, but that was left on the cutting room floor, and finally you see that she firmly supports Israel, but the part about working with Allies to throttle Iran’s quest for the bomb also didn’t make it to prime time.

With this interview Charlie Gibson has left the ranks of journalism and has become just another hack smear artist, aligned clearly with those on the left. We have those hacks on the right as well, but this is an important election as all presidental elections are. This is clear journalistic malfeasance, and Charlie needs to start wearing his tinfoil hat to interviews so America knows where he is coming from.

It appears that others are taking note of this.

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2 Responses to Sarah Palin Uncensored

  1. wildbegger says:

    And in the words of Geraldine in a skit by Flip Wilson:
    “What you see is what you get.” This seems to be the motto of
    the biased liberal media these days…

  2. Aknot says:

    I was expecting a lot more from this Interview but he turned out to be just another Obamabot. I knew my dream was crushed after Charlie said “I want to know..” the third or fourth time and I realized he wasn’t doing this for us. Correct me if I am wrong but it seemed like he was telling Gov. Palin how the Obama tax cuts were actually , really going to work???
    If you haven’t watched it yet, go to YouTube and check out Tina Fey and her impersonation of Sarah Palin. . . it could confuse the Secret Service.

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