Iran Erupts Over Election Results

Iran Erupts Over Election Results

This is the most unrest that’s been seen in Iran in a decade, there’s a lot of people in Iran unhappy over the election results that were announced. (h/t Michael Totten please stop by, he has several more videos posted)

The Big Swindle – Global Warming Denial Film Debunked

This video created by an ally of my nemesis, Al Gore, pretty much destroys the main tenets and blunders of the movie “The Global Warming Swindle”. While I’m still not an alarmist, and I still think Al’s selling a carbon ponzi scheme that will cause great stress in third world countries, I do like truth. So here it is, real data and finished charts from authoritative sources.

The Big Swindle – Global Warming Denial Film Debunked

This video created by an ally of my nemesis, Al Gore, pretty much destroys the main tenets and blunders of the movie “The Global Warming Swindle”. While I’m still not an alarmist, and I still think Al’s selling a carbon ponzi scheme that will cause great stress in third world countries, I do like truth. So here it is, real data and finished charts from authoritative sources.

The jump to enact to cap and trade is the saddest part of this, while it’s true that we must do something sometime this century or early next, cap and trade does nothing. It’s already been shown not to work in Europe, where fossil fuel use rose under the system. Waxman and cohorts have turned cap and trade into a patronage game, trading credits for votes. This just makes it appear like congress is doing something when in reality they are just reshuffling the deck aimlessly. On top of that if you tell them they aren’t going to accomplish much with cap and trade, they will come after you.