Daily Archives: June 6, 2009

June Moon

June Moon Tonight’s moon taken with the telephoto extended to full range.  This used 1/125th exposure, 100 ASA and I cropped out most of the sky with photoshop, then doubled the size. (600 pixels across to 1200.) Below is the … Continue reading

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The Moon Up Close in HD; Courtesy Kaguya Probe

The Moon Up Close in HD; Courtesy Kaguya Probe Amazing and beautiful high definition footage of the moon from Japan’s Kaguya probe, in four more days Kaguya’s mission will end as it impacts the surface of the moon.

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Pelosi Pimps National Energy Tax and Iowa Congressman Braley in Des Moines

That’s how it started off, a plan like the Europeans… but since then it’s turned into a patronage scam of perks and pork as Rep. Henry Waxman trades credits to states whose votes he needs to pass the bill. It’s a monstrosity that we don’t need while the economy is recovering. Continue reading

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D-Day: As Told by the Soldiers Who Survived

D-Day: As Told by the Soldiers Who Survived The video below tells the story of the D-Day invasion to recapture Europe from the evil hordes of the dark regime of Adolph Hitler. We’ve been strong ever since this war, so … Continue reading

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