Tag Archives: Qods

Iranian Special Forces Responsible for Karbala Captured

This is an important update to an article I posted Friday the 6th, it appears that the “Hezbollah” or Qods force operatives captured are the agents that planned and executed the Karbala attack. You might remember this from early last year — … Continue reading

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Iranian Backed Hezbollah Captured in Iraq

Our forces captured a Hezbollah operative today Southeast of Baghdad, and it appears that they’ve opted to become actively and openly engaged in Iraq according to this article: The U.S. military in Iraq has captured the deputy military chief of the … Continue reading

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All Five Hostages Alive

When I posted Monday about Jonathon Cote I stated that I have high confidence that he is alive.  I had promised the family not to reveal details on how I knew that, however now the news is out and it’s revealed that … Continue reading

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Jonathon Cote: Still Alive and Still Hostage

In November I wrote a post about Jonathon Cote, who’s now been held hostage in Iraq or Iran for 36 days longer than the people in the Iranian Hostage Crisis were. He and the other heroes in captivity (one police officer, a US Army Soldier,) will be … Continue reading

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Ancient Enemies

From November last year, Analysis of the other roots of Jihad that lie beyond hate of Israel and the US, such as tribal nationalism, economics, expansionism, class envy, and of course which particular sect is most Muslim, and therefor tops the caliphate. … Continue reading

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Norm Podhoretz Let me Down

Norm’s arguments about the apocalyptic nature of the Iranian mullahocracy are understood by those informed, but like the Spanish Inquistion nobody who’s an average American ever expects the Persian Apocalypse. Continue reading

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Iranian Special Groups Murder Muslims in Baghdad

Bill Roggio has a report of a false-flag Quds force attack on the 24th in Baghdad. Apparently the Pet Market bombing was designed to simulate an Al Qaeda in Iraq attack in order to build support for the Sadrist or … Continue reading

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