Fox News Opinion Poll

From the latest Fox News Opinion poll, here’s the favorability standings for all candidates, as well as Al Sharpton and Don Imus.

The question:

I’m going to read you the names of several individuals and groups. Please tell me whether you have a generally favorable or unfavorable opinion of each one. If you’ve never heard of someone please just say so.
SCALE: 1. Favorable 2. Unfavorable 3. (Can’t say) 4. Never heard of

Favor  Unfav  Can’t  Never

Rudy Giuliani   55%   25    13     6
John McCain    49%    31    13     7
Al Gore             48%    41    10     1
John Edwards  47%    29    15     9
Barack Obama 47%    23    19    11
Hillary Clinton  46%   47      6      2
Newt Gingrich  27%   47     15    11
Mitt Romney    20%  23     24    33
Al Sharpton      16%   54     13    18
Don Imus          14%   47     17    23

Democratic Party  49%  39  11  1
Republican Party  42%   47  10 1

For full results from the poll you can access the PDF file.

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