Nepal Update — Promising news

In a development bright with promise the CPN/Maoists and Seven Party Alliance in Nepal have reached historic agreement. The outcome is the 8 point agreement, under which the two old governments will be dissolved and a new democratic government formed. Prachandra appears to be cooperating and sincerely seeking peace and prosperity for the country.

Below are the 8 points agreed upon, from eKantipur:

The Eight-point SPA-Maoist agreement

The Eight-point agreement reached between the seven-party alliance and CPN-Maoist following summit talks between the two sides at the Prime Minister’s residence at Baluwatar on Friday (June 16, 2006) is as follows (Unofficial Translation) 

  1. Effectively and honestly implement the 12-point understanding reached between the SPA and Maoists in November last year and the 25-point Ceasefire Code of Conduct signed between the SPA government and CPN-Maoist on May 26 this year
  2. Commitment to democratic norms and values including competitive multi-party system, civic liberties, fundamental rights, human rights, press freedom, and the concept of rule of law and Carry out each other’s activities in a peaceful manner 
  3. Request the United Nations to help in the monitoring and management of the armies and arms of both government and Maoist sides for a free and fair election to the Constituent Assembly
  4. Guarantee the democratic rights achieved through the 1990 Popular Movement and the recent historic People’s Movement; draft an interim constitution based on the 12-point understanding and the ceasefire Code of Conduct; form an interim government accordingly; announce the dates for constituent assembly elections; dissolve the House of Representatives through consensus after making alternative arrangement; dissolve the People’s Governments of CPN-Maoist
  5. Decide issues of national interests having long-term effects through consensus
  6. Guarantee the fundamental right of the Nepali people to participate in the constituent assembly elections without any fear, influence, threat and violence. Invite international observation and monitoring during the elections as per the need
  7. Bring about a forward-looking restructuring of the state so as to resolve the class-based, racial, regional and gender-based problems through constituent assembly elections. Transform the ceasefire between the Nepal Government and CPN-Maoist into permanent peace by focusing on democracy, peace, prosperity, forward-looking change and the country’s independence, sovereignty and pride, and express commitment to resolve the problem through talks
  8. The government and Maoist talks teams have been directed to accomplish all tasks related to above-mentioned points without any delay.

All of this looks great on paper, and very promising, however as Hobbes reminds us, the devil is in the details — this will bear continued monitoring.

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