Zarqawi Lunacy erupts

It’s only been two days and the loons are already cranking out the reality bending agitprop…. Zarqawi couldn’t have been a fundamentalist terrorist because he was with a woman in skimpy clothing….  Zarqawi in the pictures was an actor, it was time to end the US terrorism propaganda….. Zarqawi was invited into Iraq by the US……

You get the idea… their tin-foil hats must be wearing out, and no I’m not giving them the hits by posting links, you can find them yourselves at technorati if you are desperate to enter the homes where the stench of madness rises up the flue.

Zarqawi couldn’t have been a fundamentalist terrorist because he was with a woman in skimpy clothing….  As PJ O’Rourke points out in his excellent book “Give War A Chance” which has several articles on the first gulf war, what appears on clotheslines on the roofs of Arab homes and the clothes Arab women wear in public are two entirely different universes of apparel. One of the women was Abu Al Zarqawi’s wife, and lingerie is what the house-slaves wear when they are not in public. Look up “Harem” ….

Zarqawi was an actor…. Fingerprints, photos, scars, and soon-to-come DNA results do not lie.

Zarqawi was invited into Iraq by the US….. Zarqawi fled to Iraq after the Taliban defeat at the hands of the US in Afghanistan, and he was entrenched with Sadaam Hussein’s knowledge and consent in a terrorist training camp in the north manufacturing RICIN with his buddies. One way to keep those Kurds in line, n’est ces pas?

Ok loons take a look — here is reality



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