Tag Archives: washington

Eugene Robinson Gets it Wrong on Cuba

Eugene makes the same mistake that much of the loony right does: he seems to think that all terror originates with Islamic radicals when all terrorism is not Islamic in origin. Cuba still harbors terror suspects from ETA, FARC, ELN, and up until 2004 they had harbored members of the IRA who were training FARC in use of explosives. Continue reading

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Let’s Play “Where are the Jobs!”

Let’s Play “Where are the Jobs!” A new NRCC targeted ad, simple but effective: With the rate jump to 9.8 percent today it’s no wonder that the Dems consider this “sobering”.

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Another Journalist is Clueless; Obamaglam Strikes Again

Newsbusters has video hereĀ of Bob Herbert of the New York times either displaying vast ignorance, or craftily deciding to try to slip one by the audience, follow the link, you decide, then come back. As the Time spread above demonstrates … Continue reading

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Ron Paul Marchers Still at It

Don’t tread on me… you might tear my hem… If you’ve read my past articles then you already know what I think of Ron Paul and the aggregate of wishful thinkers he’s acquired, but they are somewhat impervious to reality. … Continue reading

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