Daily Archives: September 18, 2008

Patrick Moore On Nuclear Power

A very good interview that will give you hope for the future. Note video moved below the fold due to code errors in the Fox plugin.

Posted in Energy, Freedom, Politics | 1 Comment

Big Government Casts a Big Shadow

The latest McCain-Palin advertisements, Is Raines next to go under the bus?: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..   More on this from Ed at Hot Air and at Jammie Wearing Fool

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This Morning’s Moon

This morning’s moon in a bright blue sky

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Friends of Fannie and Freddy

The real impact of all of this will go against the taxpayers, the thrifty, those who have thought of their future and saved. This will impact your pension, your 401K, your life savings. Meantime Jamie Gorelick, Democrat operative, is waltzing away with a cool 26 Million. Continue reading

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Kasey Was Bad

Kasey seems to have found some chips, and good thing we noticed her running around the backyard with a bag on her head, oxygen deprivation would have set in eventually, and who knows? The ads are right, you can’t eat … Continue reading

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