Monthly Archives: July 2008

Taliban Ally Harkat ul Mujahideen Controls Mohmand

In Saturday’s report from Pakistan I noted that there was fighting between militant units of Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan. Post fighting it appears the TTP / Harkat ul Mujahideen force beat the Lashkar e Taiber (Tayyaba) force and is now in control … Continue reading

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The Obamaglam Song

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Drill it All

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Spam Mail Virus Warning

There’s a new email virus making the rounds, Nuwar, so be careful if you receive an email about war with Iran. Here’s what’s known about it: W32/Nuwar@MM is a mass-mailing worm that attempts to send copies of itself based on … Continue reading

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Expelling Goats

Is it the dusk or the dawn of a new day in America? Rich Lowry over at National Review has a great article on the desire of the democrats to deflect the flames emanating their way from their constituents to oil speculators instead. … Continue reading

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Kasey’s Friends and Kasey’s Eye

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The Evolution of the Bacterial Flagellum

And why is this important? See Ken Miller explaining the Kitzmiller intelligent design trial below.

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Jay Leno on Drilling in ANWR

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Dems Consider a Gas Tax Hike

No, I am not making it up. I’ve told you before that the Democrat party is the party of stasis and stagflation, they think energy too expensive to use is a good thing. You can easily demonstrate that expensive energy … Continue reading

Posted in Energy | 1 Comment

Pakistan Taliban Schism Confirmed – 50 Dead

The schism that has stewed for a couple of months within Baitullah Mehsud’s loose alliance of Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan broke out into open large scale fighting in the Mohmand agency Friday. Initial reports had ten dead up until the point when the Afghan … Continue reading

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