Daily Archives: July 12, 2008

Ron Paul Marchers Still at It

Don’t tread on me… you might tear my hem… If you’ve read my past articles then you already know what I think of Ron Paul and the aggregate of wishful thinkers he’s acquired, but they are somewhat impervious to reality. … Continue reading

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Bush Threatens Veto on Bailout Bill

Capitalism is the fairest system of commerce there is. It doesn’t care what color you are, what books you read, or what views you hold. If you offer something of value at reasonable price you will profit, if you invest … Continue reading

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RIP Tony Snow

Tony Snow is a commentator and analyst who will be missed greatly. He was one of the sane people in the news business, never delving into vitriol and vinegar, but unafraid to ask the important questions. He was blessed with … Continue reading

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