Daily Archives: July 7, 2008

Kasey Goes Wading

Kasey decided to wade a bit in the water below the Dam on Lake Taneycomo, and since it was 92 degrees, the car got quite wet when we put her back in. Anyone know how to get wet dog smell … Continue reading

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Bursting Bubbles in Zero G

Fantastic, and well worth viewing.

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McCain Slams Obama on Taxes

While the MSM continues to paint John McCain as weak on the economy, he continues to exhibit signs that he has firmer grasp of economic reality than his opponent Obama. This as evidenced by McCain’s anti-tax and anti-spending positions as … Continue reading

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Israeli Missile Defense Tests Ongoing

Israel has begun testing it’s new “Iron Dome” missile defense system, this was selected instead of the joint US-Israel Nautilus system which was mothballed after doubts arose. Carl at Israel Matzav has his doubts as well about Iron Dome, preferring … Continue reading

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