Marines Turn Tables on Code Pink


Ok I’ve been fiddling with my server, WP 2.5.1 (with the new patches) and .htaccess files for hours now trying to get the gallery and pic upload features of wp to work, all to no avail.

So I might as well make this test post useful, Please stop by Zomblog to see the latest in the ongoing Code Pink vs. the Marines saga from Berkeley.


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6 Responses to Marines Turn Tables on Code Pink

  1. ChenZhen says:

    Did you do something to make it so the avatar doesn’t roger the thread?

  2. ChenZhen says:

    oops, I guess not.

  3. Thanos says:

    Nope 🙂

    I could go to smaller-sized, but I like the big ones, my eyes aren’t so great anymore.

  4. Thanos says:

    How is uploading galleries with 2.5 going over at I can’t get it to work here, I think I have to wait for the fix.

  5. ChenZhen says:

    Are you talking about this new dashboard they’ve got going? I’ll tell you, I’m not a big fan. Or, maybe I just have to get used to it, but to me it was a lot more intuitive to load images the old way. I can’t whine too much though, it’s free after all.

  6. Thanos says:

    Yeah. It takes some getting used to, but it would be cool if they could get it to work as advertised.

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