Daily Archives: April 20, 2008

Sixth Body Found in Basra

Please keep the Cote Family in your thoughts and prayers. A sixth body has been found in the same area of Basra as the corpses of the hostages that were found last month. More at Freecote.com and Not Ready for … Continue reading

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UN Marxist Calls for Food Uprising When UN is at Fault

To demonstrate the effect of Energy on the ability to grow sufficient crops once more, we have this report from IAASTD (International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development ) Scroll through it — you will find that energy is the key component. It’s needed for fertilizer, transport, cultivation, and improved water resources. In a low energy future the world faces chronic famine, in an abundant energy future the world is fine and wealth grows across the board. Continue reading

Posted in Energy, Freedom | 2 Comments