Daily Archives: April 9, 2008

HezbAllah TV (Al Manar) Broadcasting in Indonesia

HezbAllah Television station, Al Manar, has begun broadcast in Indonesia. The Coalition Against Terrorist Media has started a campaign to see if they can get it removed from the airwaves. Indonesia also hosted the large gathering of Hizb ut Tahrir, … Continue reading

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Cheerless Leader Lost?

I don’t normally write about cruft like this — I mean who watches evening news nowadays anyway? However on seeing this story I had to do this post because the title for it popped into my head, a pun that … Continue reading

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Yesterday Was Black Tuesday

Yesterday was black Tuesday, Microsoft has released a new batch of patches for security fixes, you need to head off to Microsoft Update and get patched if you use Microsoft Operating Sytems or Office Packages on your computer: MS08-019 – … Continue reading

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PPP vs MQM Clash in Karachi Claims 7 Lives

Riots and mayhem broke out today between differing “lawyer groups”, in reality PPP lawyers vs. MQM lawyers. Five people were burnt to death trapped on the upper floor of a building, and a seven year old child was shot in … Continue reading

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The London 7/7 Bombers had Scouts

Like most terror operations involving suicide bombers there are scouts who survey and locate targets and target areas first. Sometimes the scouts act as handlers on the side, holding a remote to detonate the bomb if the bomber changes their mind or loses nerve Continue reading

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