Daily Archives: April 5, 2008

Two Years of Blogging

On April 1st I passed the two year mark, quietly unoticed by myself, or anyone else. It’s been a great deal of fun and driven a lot of soul searching, as well as many long hours of research (it’s never as easy … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Journalism, The Future | 11 Comments

Time to Flush the Extremists, not the Koran

The problem in Europe with Muslim extremism is glaringly evident in this short (h/t The Scarlet Crusader). The policy needs to be intolerance towards extremists instead of shelter for extremists – it was shelter from France that created the problems … Continue reading

Posted in Freedom, Journalism, Politics | 3 Comments

Gore Lied; People Will Die

In the end oil, coal, and food are foolish to burn, all create carcinogenic compounds that pollute the air — and if you have a ecological concern that should be it, not global warming. However our current eco-movements are headed down this exact path, with politicians hostage to the coal, oil, and bio-fuel lobbies worldwide. Continue reading

Posted in Energy, Freedom, The Future | 16 Comments