Daily Archives: April 19, 2008

Marines Turn Tables on Code Pink

Test Ok I’ve been fiddling with my server, WP 2.5.1 (with the new patches) and .htaccess files for hours now trying to get the gallery and pic upload features of wp to work, all to no avail. So I might … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Freedom, Journalism | 6 Comments

Test of Gallery Embed

I’ve just patched up to the beta 2.5.1 fix for the gallery, and I’m trying out a gallery embed with a few random pics.  

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Al Qaeda on the Ropes

The Khyber pass battles continue, and along with that the agit prop is continuing from all sides. There are a few things that are clear however. The first is that there aren’t many foreigner fighters, or Arab Al Qaeda, left alive in … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging | 1 Comment

Huffpo on Hunger

The left has begun to notice the hunger, but it took riots and multiple articles to get them there. At Huffpo Richard Walden wants to obfuscate the real issues with Global Warming — right on cue. You see, Global Warming has somehow … Continue reading

Posted in Energy, Journalism, Politics | 1 Comment