Daily Archives: October 18, 2006

Dr Blake

I read this when I was very young and I  came across it again while trolling through Wikipedia. I’m parking this here because today was a good day, and this brings back fond memories of simpler times. Thor as he first appeared … Continue reading

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Iranian Narrowband Internet Revolution

In a brilliant move, Ahmadinejad has introduced new internet technology to the people of Iran — it’s the dawn of NARROWBAND! Continue reading

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Why is This Man Not Smiling?

It has nothing to do with the fact that his shady land deals are coming to the light of the ethics committee, instead, it’s all about the economy and the elections. Continue reading

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Washout in Keystone Canyon

p>                                        My sister sent me some great pictures of Keystone Canyon on the way to Valdez, Alaska,  I thought I would … Continue reading

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