Waziristan Pact Violated

In a bad sign for the Waziristan pact, NATO states that the recent bombers in Afghanistan were trained by Sadiq Noor in North Waziristan, definitely a breaking of the pact.


From The Nation:

‘Kabul bomber trained in Pakistan’

KABUL (AFP) – Afghanistan’s intelligence agency alleged the man behind a foiled suicide bombing in Kabul Monday had been trained in an area of Pakistan where the government has agreed to a ceasefire with pro-Taliban tribesmen. 
The National Directorate of Security had been tipped off about the attack and cornered the car carrying the bomb before the vehicle exploded, wounding three people. 
NDS spokesman Sayed Ansari told reporters that the agency had intelligence that the would-be attacker was among four who had entered Afghanistan from the North Waziristan tribal area in Pakistan. 
They had been in an area under the control of a Taliban leader named Sadiq Noor, Ansari said. 
Meanwhile, NATO’s top military commander voiced concern Monday about the porous Afghan-Pakistan border, which can be used by insurgents involved in deadly fighting with alliance troops in southern Afghanistan.
Speaking at the opening of a new intelligence-gathering centre for the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, General James Jones declined to criticize the Pakistani government over its management of border security.
“It’s clear that the border is not a sealed border,” he said, when asked if Pakistan’s behaviour was leading indirectly to the deaths of NATO soldiers in Afghanistan.
But he said: “I quite understand the concerns of our troops on the ground… and we are going to be working on this problem assiduously in the weeks and months ahead.”

“The information provided to NDS by its sources was that four suicide attackers were trained in North Waziristan in Darpakhail and Noorali areas by Sadiq Noor’s group,” he said. 
Islamabad last month agreed to a ceasefire with tribal leaders in North Waziristan. Afghan analysts warned the deal could see an increase in infiltration of militants alleged to be carrying out insurgent attacks in Afghanistan. The “militants” on the Pakistan side pledged to stop the infiltration. 
“The terms of the ceasefire was non-interference in Afghanistan and no attack on the Pakistani army,” Ansari said. 
“Unfortunately one side of the agreement is implemented but the other side – against Afghan people – hasn’t (been),” he said. 
Ansari alleged the four men said to have been trained in North Waziristan had crossed into Afghanistan. 
One had been arrested two days ago in the eastern province of Khost, which borders North Waziristan. 
“It is possible one of the two (remaining) may be in Khost and one in Kabul. We ask our compatriots if they come across any suspicious person or car, they contact the nearest security organ,” he said. 

I will be interested in the response from the Pakistan side, however it’s doubtful that we would see them do something like rounding up Sadiq Noor. If they don’t however, it puts all in question; perhaps the money going to NWFP ought to be withheld until the violators of the pact are turned over?

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