Daily Archives: October 8, 2006

Italian Media Ignoring Darfur

The fact that major Italian media outlets are ignoring Genocide in Darfur is not surprising with the treatment Orianna Fallaci received, not surprising at all. This from Italian Blogs for Darfur Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Freedom, Journalism, Politics, The Future | 1 Comment

North Korea Nuke test

(URGENT) N. Korea tests nuclear weapon at Hwadaeri near Kilju at 10:36 am: Defense Ministry — Report from South Korea Defense Ministry Continue reading

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Reuters and Wikipedia Dissappear Years of Genocide

Is the Clintonprop machine at work again? In a recent article Reuters states that the Darfur conflict started in 2003, and if you go to the Wikipedia entry, you will find the same lie. 2003/2004 was when the Bush adminstration took a breath in the war on terror and brought this before the United Nations with addresses by Colin Powell. Continue reading

Posted in Freedom, Politics | 6 Comments

Libertas Est

This is a response to Fjordman’s fine post at Gates of Vienna Wednesday. Fjordman points out that he has been a critic of the dissolution of Western Society, but that he’s offered few solutions — so in his preliminary post he names a few. … Continue reading

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