Tag Archives: history

Why I’m an Optimist: Large Scale Macro Trends

So it is that I am a confident optimist based on the past example of our long history. Whatever pratfalls, missteps, and tumbles that humanity has taken we have always managed to dust off and carry on with the journey after. As we witness one of those pratfalls that will become the biggest environmental disaster since we started recording them in the Gulf of Mexico I am also confident that over time the problem can be overcome Continue reading

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The Berlin Wall: A Retrospective on Escape Attempts and Construction Phases

The Berlin Wall: A Retrospective on Escape Attempts and Construction Phases This forty five minute episode of Megastructures covers the Berlin wall and the history of some of the amazing escapes from the totalitarian tyranny of East Berlin.

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7-20-1969 On that day I was 12 year old boy, visiting my Great-Grandfather for what was the last time in Bull’s Gap Tennessee. We had stopped to see him on our trip fromĀ  Ft. Bragg in North Carolina to Ft. … Continue reading

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D-Day: As Told by the Soldiers Who Survived

D-Day: As Told by the Soldiers Who Survived The video below tells the story of the D-Day invasion to recapture Europe from the evil hordes of the dark regime of Adolph Hitler. We’ve been strong ever since this war, so … Continue reading

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History of a Scandalous Rape of Taxpayers: Once Again Congress is the Culprit

Watch and weep at this extensive history of legislative malfeasance Continue reading

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