Zarqawi Docs and intel Lead to 759 captures, 104 dead terrorists

There will also be a third thrust — now that the Iraqi forces are proving effective the international media will turn on them. They will become “death sqauds” ill mannered collectives of militias, they will be torturers, and ultimately the more effective the Iraqis become the more they will be maligned. The left hates winners, as has been amply demonstrated throughout both the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns.


Sorry for the misdirect, there was a DB crash and the blog is now crossed in link numbers due to recovery. So if you are looking for my Fourth of July post, it’s really here, or at the titled link above. 

Update: Heres a link to the article that contains the casualty and kill figures quoted above, courtesy Captain’s Quarters. Sorry for the sloppy blogging earlier, I posted while on a contentious conference call at work. A well appreciated visitor pointed out that I should link to the actual articles as well, thanks for the tip. The numbers quoted are really 759 captured, 104 confirmed kills.

Update II Breaking news, It’s being reported that US forces have captured a high value Al Qaida Operative, Sheikh Akeel — the only article I can find on this is from this morning’s India Daily. If it does turn out that Akeel was allied with Al Qaida it would explain the interuption of the scheduled conference by Al Maliki today.

Continue reading “Zarqawi Docs and intel Lead to 759 captures, 104 dead terrorists”

FLAG DAY and Microsoft Security Bulletins













          Today is Flag Day, also yesterday Microsoft released several security bulletins, if you have Gates gear then get out to windows update and get patched today.

Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma need Freedom

In the UN the US will shortly introduce a resolution to urge the junta to change it’s repressive policies, frowned on by most countries in the world. Please write your congressman and urge support for that initiative.

Aung San Suu Kyi.jpg Aung San Suu Kyi is the elected leader of Burma and a pro-democracy activist, but the military junta there has kept her under house arrest for ten out of the last 17 years.

The junta moved the capital, renamed the country Myanmar, and is steadily buying arms from China. They are a repressive regime with an insurrection on their hands, they are massing troops at the borders of Thailand, and they continue to build “Nationalities Youth Resource Development Degree Colleges” which could be re-education camps for the youths in rebel regions.

In the UN the US will shortly introduce a resolution to urge the junta to change it’s repressive policies, frowned on by most countries in the world. Please write your congressman and urge support for that initiative.

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Immigration Bill stalls in committee

Congress critters might have actually been reading mail from their constituents — I think they are waking up to the fact that any immigration bill could be the radioactive kryptonite that kills even super-incumbents. There are firm passions on all sides of the debate, and there are complexities to making an effective bill. Denny Hastert put the bill on ice today.

You can’t just put up a fence, although that would help a great deal and send the right message, so it does merit a single bill by itself; however we know that fence-only wouldn’t pass the senate and would endanger Republicans.

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Rove Cleared, BUSH in IRAQ, Reporters left on Short Bus to Camp David

In a news day that has to have the left spinning madly Karl Rove will not be indicted per Fitzgerald’s office, President Bush is meeting with the Government of Iraq in the Green Zone as I type, and all the reporters are steaming on the short bus to Camp David. On top of that, Zarqawi is still dead.

You have to wonder what the reporter’s reaction will be, however no matter what they say you can’t fault the President. The press has proven time and again the past six years that they must not be trusted with secrets regarding national security. In the end I have no doubt that Libby’s case will prove that Wilson himself leaked the information on Valerie Plame, and if anyone’s to blame it’s the reporters.

More on reaction to the Rove announcement here & here at Decision ’08.

Long day’s end

This day’s been long, troublesome and tiresome. Rolling chaos, discord, and tools not working, all sorted in the end. It would not be fair to you gentle reader, for me to attempt to write as I am well worn and in need of drink. So instead, a picture and a stolen poem.

Continue reading “Long day’s end”

Afghanistan update — change in strategy

UPDATE III “Task force 121 transfers from Iraq to Afghanistan” according to AM Kansas city Radio.

UPDATE IIITask force 121 transfers from Iraq to Afghanistan” according to AM Kansas city Radio. 

This from my Saturday hodgepodge, with new updates that are leading to very interesting developments in Afghanistan. The original article described the upsurge of offense to prep for NATO force takeover, but since then it appears there’s more to it than that. 

While the MSM will paint these attacks as losses for the US and the Afgan government of Karzai, they are largely victories. Masses of taliban fighters are being called back by Mullah Omar and others, and they are dieing in masses. That’s a good thing, not a bad thing.

“In the last two months, the Taliban have been conducting larger attacks this year than they did during the same time last year,” Pace said. “The problem for the Taliban is that as they have gotten larger groups together, they have become much bigger targets. And they have lost about 300 Taliban in the last two months during those operations. So the Taliban are a tactical problem for the coalition in Afghanistan. [But] the coalition in Afghanistan is a strategic problem for the Taliban.”

In the end to win in Afghanistan you have to do three things: Kick everyone’s ass, demonstrate that you will persist, and then buy all the local warlords to your side. The warchest needs to re-open in southern Afghanistan, and we need to use it to corner Omar and potentially Bin Laden. This is how the Russians failed, they did not persist and they did not buy allies.

The last time the region was truly conquered, Alexander the Great fought long and hard against a nimble opponent who always ran away to fight another day. In the end Alexander bought off all of the Grey Wolf’s allies and thus conquered him, as detailed in Steven Pressfield’s great  book, “The Virtue of War“. Alexander ended the campaign by defeating Spitamenes Oxyartes and marrying his daughter, Roxana, who bore his son Alexander IV.

Continue reading “Afghanistan update — change in strategy”