Monthly Archives: April 2006

Imperial Islam

It’s not about Al Qaeda, it’s not about Israel, or any singular terrorist group. It’s not the Taliban, or other states like Iraq, Syria, Libya, Iran etc. who supported terrorism in the past, or those who still do. It’s all about Islamic Imperialism … Continue reading

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Sense of Wonder

Some days I need to re-acquire my sense of wonder, many times I end up here.

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I’m a sucker for a good turn of phrase

I am really a sucker for a good turn of phrase, great poetry, or good lyricism in a song. Growing up I read “Look Homeward Angel” to rags simply because Thomas Wolf’s prose is so good. I completely disagreed with … Continue reading

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The Tell

“This you knows: the years travel fast and time after time I done the tell. But this ain’t one body’s tell; it’s the tell of us all, and you’ve got to listen it and [re]member, ’cause what you hears today … Continue reading

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Exit strategy for Iraq and Afghanistan

Poor Harry Reid isn’t getting much notice in the press, even after his master plan for Dem congresscritters during Spring break. In his latest attempt, he states that we “don’t have the resources” for a military response to Iran. Ignoring … Continue reading

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Liberal Rites of Spring

It’s that time of year, and liberals everywhere are getting ready to demonstrate. It’s an annual reflexive pulse of hate every April and May. You first see small demonstrations against or for the latest cause de jour leading into May, … Continue reading

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Jihadis or terrorists?

In Friday’s National Journal Article Jonathan Rauch points out why everyone’s struggling to define the conflict we are in, and I think his observation is extremely important. We aren’t going to win, nor can we discredit the enemies ideology if … Continue reading

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Sunday hodgepodge II

While the West is debating building nuclear power plants, China is building, Turkey is building, Iran is building, Russia is building, India is building, and both Australia and Finland are ramping up Uranium mining. Meanwhile, other countries like Brazil are … Continue reading

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Global warming developments

Interesting development in Canada, to paraphrase the essentials : if we knew then what we know now Kyoto would have never happened.” The fact is that “the study of global climate change is, as the Canadian Prime Minister himself has … Continue reading

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Are Los Angeles and San Diego ready for La Revolucion?

While researching some of the folks behind the recent rash of Illegal immigrant rallies, I came across a few things that will disgust most Americans. Warning, some of these links lead to anti-American sites with doctored  and faked photos, some … Continue reading

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