Tag Archives: ipcc

Monckton Fabricates Data

Monckton Fabricates Data Following up on an earlier post on Lord Monckton’s anti-AGW campaign it turns out that he’s playing fast and loose with data, and apparently making things up. The sordid details can be found at RealClimate. What’s his … Continue reading

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Monckton: IPCC Model and Conclusions Deeply Flawed

Mea Culpa: Way back when I was still a wingnut, I used repost some of their operative agitprop – embarrassing as it is I took a “warmist” stance back then, and actually wrote in support of notorious climate denialist Monckton. … Continue reading

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You Know Things Are Bad When

You know thing are bad when the UN calls for Capitalism. Ban Ki Moon called for the end to tariffs, protectionism, and trade barriers in face of mounting food inflation: “We simply cannot afford to fail,” the UN secretary general … Continue reading

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