Monthly Archives: January 2009

Iowahawk Debuts at Big Hollywood

Iowahawk Says Movies Are Your Best Entertainment Value Iowahawk’s scathing satire is always a welcome diversion, and he’s written a new piece for Andrew Breitbart’s online entertainment site, Big Hollywood.

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It’s Mosque Nichts

 It’s Mosque Nichts When you hide anti aircraft weapons, mortars, and missiles in a Mosque then there shouldn’t be an outcry as there was if it becomes a military target. See the video below. H/T Little Green Footballs

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It’s Black Tuesday

New Windows Security Patches out Microsoft has released new security patches, you probably should go get your updates if you are running any flavor of Windows operating systems, Windows Update here. Overview from SANS Internet Storm Center: # Affected Contra Indications Known … Continue reading

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Two Terrazu

Two Tarrazu I’m not a connoisseur of coffee, but I do like good coffee so I’ve tried a number of varieties including Jamaica Blue Mountain. My favorite turns out to be a coffee from Costa Rica that we found during a visit … Continue reading

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Hezbollah Fires Rockets from Lebanon Under UNIFIL’s Noses

Hezbollah Fires Rockets from Lebanon Under UNIFIL’s Noses   Carl at Israel Matzav has the details here. Whether this was a single perfunctory signal of solidarity with Hamas, or whether there will be more to come remains to be seen.

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Flags at Ft. Scott

Flags at Ft. Scott It’s been busy lately and my spare time has been spent following the Israeli-Hamas war in Gaza, so posting has been light and probably will be  for a while. If you want to follow the conflict I … Continue reading

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Tales of Brave Ulysses II – Solar Wind at Lowest Pressure Since Measurement Began

What we’re seeing is a long term trend, a steady decrease in pressure that began sometime in the mid-1990s Continue reading

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New Year’s Day Forty Years Ago

Then all hell broke loose. Every gun on the bunker line opened up, flares were being shot up in the air, tracer rounds were arcing through the dark night skies and here I was standing out in an open field with shower clogs, a shaving kit and a towel wrapped around my ass and my eyes burning. Continue reading

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Sunset 2008

Sunset 2008 The last sun has set on 2008, and that’s a picture of it shot at distance through a gap in the trees. Many people will be looking back  — but history is for the historians, and what really … Continue reading

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