Hezbollah Fires Rockets from Lebanon Under UNIFIL’s Noses

Hezbollah Fires Rockets from Lebanon Under UNIFIL’s Noses


Carl at Israel Matzav has the details here. Whether this was a single perfunctory signal of solidarity with Hamas, or whether there will be more to come remains to be seen.

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One Response to Hezbollah Fires Rockets from Lebanon Under UNIFIL’s Noses

  1. wildbegger says:

    Both Hamas and Hezbolla don’t care how many Palestinians are killed when used as shields in their terrorism against Israel. Since the UN is standing by doing nothing and allowing this and the international news media is held back from reporting what is actually happening, the terrorists will release all the horrific injuries to civilians, some of which are made up. If the protesters both in the U.S. and other countries were made to got to the towns in Israel which are within range of Hamas’ s rockets, they would think twice about their protests…

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