Monthly Archives: March 2007

Iraqi Forces Kill 39 Al Qaeda in Al Anbar

Iraqi forces have defeated Al Qaida forces, killing two leaders, 37 followers, and capturing another chlorine tanker at Amiriya in Al Anbar province. Please stop by Bill Roggio’s Fourth Rail for the details. The local tribal and Iraqi forces took … Continue reading

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Capitalism on Strike in Nepal

Businesses, sickened of the continuing shakedowns, beatings, and thefts by the Maoists in Nepal go on strike, if you zoom in perhaps you’ll find John Galt. Continue reading

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Global Warming Swindle Documentary attacked

Martin Durkin responds to the attacks on The Global Warming Swindle documentary stating that they were expected — what was unexpected was how feeble the attacks were.
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In Thailand’s south the Nuns have guns

300 Buddists meet to take up arms in Thailand’s deep south. Continue reading

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Storm’s Edge

The sky a show of light and liberty
at storm’s dark edge
half occluded but running free
escaping behind the dark
until the storm passes again
the light dances forever free.

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Posted in Art, Blogging, Freedom | 5 Comments

Theme Switcher

I’ve added a theme switcher in the right sidebar, so if you just can’t stand this theme now you have a choice. Warning Will Robinson! Switching between three column and two column themes can have unintended consequences, like dissappearing widgets, … Continue reading

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21st Century Goals

Let’s not lose sight of the future, because it’s going to happen, no matter what the debate of the moment is. Both parties seem to have done so. The Republicans are so focused on winning the war [admirable to a … Continue reading

Posted in Energy, Freedom, Politics, Science, The Future | 1 Comment


Glass By Anne Finch  O Man! what Inspiration was thy Guide, Who taught thee Light and Air thus to divide; To let in all the useful Beams of Day, Yet force, as subtil Winds, without thy Shash to stay; T’extract … Continue reading

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