Daily Archives: March 28, 2007

The Latest GOP Bloggers poll out

The latest GOP Bloggers poll is below and please scroll down the right sidebar after you vote here to vote in the Pajamas Media Straw Poll if you haven’t already this week.

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Kidnapped British Sailor Update

Iran has performed the expected act of broadcasting the captive Sailors on state run Iranian Television. (Remember: Iranian citizens can’t see opposing views anymore because the government confiscated Satellite dishes, and restricted internet access in the preceding months.) Continue reading

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Sunday Bloody Sunday

Nothing political here, this is just a test to embed video, I picked this one because it’s humorous to both sides of the political aisle, and well done. [ Editor: I’ve since removed the video even though it worked fine … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Blogging, Politics | 1 Comment

The World of Noblesse

 Here’s a picture of where my readers come from, as you can see they are spread over the world, but mostly in the US. You can see folks from the mid-east, troops from Diego Garcia (That dot in the Indian … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Journalism | 2 Comments