Storm’s Edge


The sky a show of light and liberty
at storm’s dark edge,
the brightness half occluded
escapes above the dark
until the storm passes
and light dances forever free again.


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5 Responses to Storm’s Edge

  1. Aknot says:

    After reading this it jogged my diminishing memory of a photo I had. Didn’t know how else to post it so I made a Flickr account. Hope this link works.

  2. Thanos says:

    Wow Ak, that’s a beautiful photo, may I steal it?

  3. Thanos says:

    You can post here btw Ak, just hit the register button over on the sidebar, login then select the “Write” tab.

  4. Karridine says:

    I am light,
    and I am forever freely dancing…

    Lover of the Light
    Army of Light
    Follower of the Light

    “Come dance with me,
    in the market-place…”
    he sang, after horseshoes were nailed to his feet
    and his feet dipped in boiling oil
    to inflict upon him
    the most excruciating pain
    that he would disavow his love
    for the Promised One

  5. Aknot says:

    Sure Thanos, I will upload a couple more. Use’em as if they were your own.

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