Exit strategy for Iraq and Afghanistan

Poor Harry Reid isn’t getting much notice in the press, even after his master plan for Dem congresscritters during Spring break. In his latest attempt, he states that we “don’t have the resources” for a military response to Iran.

Ignoring the fact that our troops not involved in Iraq and Iran number aproximately 2 million, we could still take action in Iran if needed. Remember that we took both Afghanistan and Iraq, both in weeks, both with forces less than 500,000 in strength. Iraq not only knew when we were coming, they also knew how thanks to the Russians. We still rolled them up like used tinfoil. (Thanks and a hat tip to the great troops, General Tommy Franks, and Stefan Possony, Jerry Pournelle, and Francis X. Kane.)

We might have to carpet bomb the road there, but make no mistake — we could make it part of our exit strategy for Iraq and Afghanistan to bring our troops home via Tehran International Airport.

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3 Responses to Exit strategy for Iraq and Afghanistan

  1. Aknot says:

    I like this “exit strategy” but it is a shame it won’t happen. We are probably a couple years from any action in Iran, have to exhaust the diplomatic means first, and then the Dems will be in the White House. No more military actions but plenty of non-violent police patrols, “humanitarian aid”, and social reform.
    Speaking of the Russians, how long did it take them to NOT invade Afganistan? Wasn’t it like ten years they tried?

  2. Aknot says:

    I was going to leave this under “The Tell” post because it is a quote I like but it probably belongs with the military.

    “We struggle because we must. Evil has an advantage, for it is served by chaos and confusion. It can destroy and ravage, while we must preserve and build. Ours is the more difficult task.”
    “We will never defeat evil entirely, but we work to stem it, to protect as many innocents from the forces that destroyed everything you knew as a child. To that end, we agreed…what must be done, but each of us has a different role to play in how we achieve the goals we’ve established.”
    Raymond E. Feist “Talon of the Silver Hawk”

  3. Thanos says:

    Yes, the evil “isms” are like rust, they never sleep.

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