Barack Obama Tried to Delay Troop Returns: Negotiated in Iraq

Barack Obama is under fire for trying to negotiate delayed troop withdrawals until “his administration” was in place while he was over in Iraq.

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3 Responses to Barack Obama Tried to Delay Troop Returns: Negotiated in Iraq

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  2. Bill Olds says:

    I was referred to this site by a mutual friend and I’d like to set the record straight on this bogus charge.

    Republican Senator Chuck Hagel who was present at Obama’s meetings with Iraqi officials, as well as State Deprtment officials also present have joined all other parties present in strenuously denying these charges.

    It’s a lie.

  3. Thanos says:

    Hagel’s a Democrat everywhere but officially. Half of foggy bottom are still Clinton appointees. The record is straight, see here at a McClatchey paper, where they are certainly not conservative:

    You will also note that Amir Taheri isn’t backing off on what his article said one iota.

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