Daily Archives: January 20, 2008

This Evening’s Moon

I took time out from the discussion at Jihad Watch to snap some photos, cook some dinner, play with the puppy, and paint the bathroom. Here is this evening’s moon.

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Anti-War Group Opens Hotline to Iran From New York

In an anti-war stunt the Anti-war group “no fear” opened public phones from New York to Iran today so New Yorkers could talk to “ordinary Iranians.” Since even the internet is controlled in Iran, there’s a question as to how … Continue reading

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The Clinton’s Foreign Entanglements

Dick Morris points out the Clinton’s support from foreigners at the American Congress today in light of the debate answer on Saudi investment in Citigroup. Now we have Saudis who are heavily invested in the Clinton Library: Now, comes word … Continue reading

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The Florida Campaign: the Race is Really on Now

“I supported the Bush tax cuts. John McCain voted against the Bush tax cuts with the Democrats twice,” he said before a crowd of mostly older voters. He later said Mr. Romney was “equivocal” in his support for the cuts. … Continue reading

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How the TTP Works in the Sindh and Punjab

The Tehreek-e-Taliban stronghold is in the Waziristans, with the main nexus being South Waziristan, but occasionally you see them very active with targetted strikes in urban areas of the Sindh and Punjab. The most significant operations were Lal Masjid, and … Continue reading

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