Daily Archives: January 18, 2008

Taliban Sites in the US

The Jawa Report has a rundown of the Taliban sites hosted in the US Here.

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Romney Endorses Guiliani – On Tax Cutting

In his latest advertisement in Florida Rudy Guiliani quotes Mitt Romney’s and other’s praise of his past tax-cutting initiatives. See below.

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War in Waziristan

The war in South Waziristan continues to heat up, with Government forces claiming 90 Taliban (“miscreants” is the term commonly used to describe terrorists in Pakistani papers,) killed. Story from AP: RAWALPINDI, Jan 18 (APP): Security forces on Friday killed … Continue reading

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The Kite Runner

This is a three day weekend for many with Martin Luther King day on Monday, so it might be wise to go see Kite Runner before the limited engagement is up. It’s playing in theaters this weekend, and I plan … Continue reading

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