Daily Archives: January 27, 2008

Sherpao: NWFP in Danger of Talibanisation

In an interview with the New York Times former Government official Aftab Khan Sherpao speaks out against the current lackluster opposition to the Taliban in the frontiers of Pakistan. It’s a pretty blistering condemnation from one of the best known … Continue reading

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ASA 200 vs. 1600

I’m playing with my camera again, these photos were shot in a dark bathroom at 1/125th.  One is ASA 200, the other 1600. Ignore the yutz on the mirror, and don’t tell my wife I used one of her crystal … Continue reading

Posted in Art, Blogging | 1 Comment

Endearing, Enduring Culture

In some of the recent debates across the blogosphere one of my key arguments has been that only endearing culture endures across time. Ugly, undesirable culture isn’t adopted willingly unless it is force-fed to youth with immature critical thinking and judgement skills. In … Continue reading

Posted in Art | 2 Comments


When I feel down and out I pull out a book titled “The Endurance“. It’s the tale of Shackleton’s attempt to reach the South Pole and how he and his crew survived trapped in the Antarctic Ice Shelf for nearly … Continue reading

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