Daily Archives: January 12, 2008

The Wake of Thanos

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34 Al Qaeda Killed in Iraq

Bill Roggio has a great round up of Thursday and Friday’s Phantom Phoenix operation in Iraq here.

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Eiffel Tower Terror Plot Foiled

Portugeuse air-traffic controllers intercepted garbled short wave transmissions from Islamist Terrorists and interupted a plot to blow up the Eiffel Tower in Paris France Thursday.  More from This is London: The 1,060ft high tower has more than six million visitors a year – an average … Continue reading

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Egyptian Man Sells Wife’s Kidney on Black Market

In the Islamic world where lax medical mores lead to less-than-Hypocratic oathes and principles, a man drugged his wife, and sold her kidney in the organ black market. The fact that he is treating his wife like property in the worst … Continue reading

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