Egyptian Man Sells Wife’s Kidney on Black Market

In the Islamic world where lax medical mores lead to less-than-Hypocratic oathes and principles, a man drugged his wife, and sold her kidney in the organ black market. The fact that he is treating his wife like property in the worst way should not surprise anyone, that also is endemic in the Islamic world.

Story from AFP:

 CAIRO (AFP) — An Egyptian woman has brought a case against her husband for allegedly drugging her and arranging for one of her kidneys to be removed and sold on the black market, local media reported on Saturday.

A judicial enquiry has been launched in the Nile Delta town of Menufiya after Warda Mohammed el-Banna said her husband Saad Helmi had her operated on after a pretend motorcycle accident, the opposition Al-Wafd daily said.

Her husband allegedly gave her a glass of drugged orange juice and said they were going out to see relatives. The woman said she passed out en route and woke up in a private hospital in the up-market Cairo district of Heliopolis.

He explained her scars by saying she had been operated on after they had an accident, but a few days later Banna started feeling weak and tests revealed she was missing a kidney.

 Some use the excuse of poverty for actions like this, but compared to the rest of the Islamic world, Egypt is generally middle-class.

dailytimes-kidneyforsale.jpgIt’s not like this situation in Pakistan for instance, the sign says “Would you buy my kidney please?” in Urdu. Story from Darwaish at All Things Pakistan.

This also puts those occasional “will work for food” signs you see held up by fat winos in the US into perspective.

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