Rathergate Redux

It appears that Dan Rather just can’t help but get in these “he-said” “she-said” things. I watched his interview on Larry King, and as Death by 1000 papercuts points out, Howard Kurtz’s new book, “Reality Show“, is contrary to some notions put forth by Dan in the interview.

In the interview Dan rambled over  a lot of ground, creating a rich field of contradictory potsherds to mine for prevarication — the archeologists are going to be digging this for years.

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3 Responses to Rathergate Redux

  1. mondoreb says:

    Hey Thanos!

    In the interview Dan rambled over a lot of ground, creating a rich field of contradictory potsherds to mine for prevarication — the archeologists are going to be digging this for years.

    Now that’s a metaphor!
    Was he as Rather as ridiculous on Larry King as he
    usually is anywhere else?

    BTW, thanx for the shout-out!

  2. Thanos says:

    Thanks for the great find

  3. pat says:

    When hate overtakes reason. Kind of like Pelosi’s meltdown. The GOP likes the war. Yeah Nancy. And you like killing babies and spreading AIDS.

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