Daily Archives: October 16, 2007

Pakistan Update: Caretaker Government Being Set up

In the approach to the elections Durrani has announced that they are setting up a “non-political” caretaker government to oversee functions, and to ensure that the elections come off ok . Many assembly terms will be up at that point … Continue reading

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Those Darned Leaves

It’s that time of year — when you mow your lawn once a week, and it’s still coated with leaves and the grass too long. In the rain the leaves turn into a sodden mass that smothers and rots the grass … Continue reading

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249 Hsu Donors Revealed

This is just the tip of the iceberg however, without doubt there are more dirty bundlers to look into. Continue reading

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Harry Reid Less Popular than Bush – In Nevada

Senator Harry Reid, D-Nevada, is less popular with his constituents than President Bush is according to a Las Vegas Review poll. This stands to reason since he is declaring the war lost while we are on the path to winning … Continue reading

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Pakistan Update: Army Removes Mirali Curfew

In Pakistan the papers are not updated yet because it is Eid holiday, and I expect them to update later today. Right now the pre-Eid shopping frenzy is over and Pakistanis are celebrating with their families. UPDATE: The Army has … Continue reading

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