Daily Archives: October 17, 2007

Bhutto Returns

In a few short hours Benazir Bhutto returns to Pakistan, video below from Reuters.

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Hillary’s List

There’s a growing list of suspect and criminal Hillary Clinton supporters that just keeps getting bigger, today it’s time to add Aaron Tonken to the list. William Danielcyzk ; Hsu Surrenders — Board of Trustees for New School, New York  ; Sant … Continue reading

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The Beginning of the End for Analog TV

In February 2009 broadcasters will stop broadcasting in Analog, and if you have an analog television still you will need to get a converter box to receive the signal. In preparation for that Best Buy has announced that it will stop … Continue reading

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Terrorism Links to Youth Riots in the Netherlands

While the general press in Amsterdam are characterizing the latest spate of riots in Amsterdam as perpetrated by “criminals”, “youths”, and “youth gangs”, there’s more to it than that. While those statements are true, nonetheless the youths are mostly Morroccan, and … Continue reading

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