Daily Archives: October 27, 2007

Army Continues Assault on TNSM & Fazlullah

The Pakistan army continues the assault on Fazlullah’s followers who are allied to Al Qaeda and the Lal Masjid clerics in North Waziristan. The Mullah is in hiding, and the article does not mention if he’s still broadcasting from his illegal … Continue reading

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Tom Lantos Tells it Like it Is

Dutch Green party officials were upset by remarks from Representative Tom Lantos, D-California. Lantos is a holocaust survivor, and in a discussion of Guantanamo he stated that Europeans seem much more upset over Guantanamo than they were about Auschwitz. The … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 4 Comments

Maoist Terrorists Attack Festival in India: 18 Dead

Maoist Terrorists have attacked a festival in Eastern India, firing into the crowd of celebrants killing 14, including the son of a politician who led a crackdown on the Maoists. Story at AP.  Notice how AP calls them “rebels”. Communist … Continue reading

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