Daily Archives: October 26, 2007

Full Moon

I need to get a shutter lanyard… real bad. I have to set the ISO too high to get these shots without blur. With a lanyard, the long exposure shot would be much better.

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Valerie’s Song

Since Valerie is on her nationwide victim-book tour, I thought it pertinent to repost Valerie’s theme song, first made popular in the movie “The Falcon and the Snowman.” “So bloody red — tomorrow’s clouds”

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The Lighthouse at Land’s End

At end of earth where sea meets sky stands a lighthouse at land’s end. Above foam and roar  light streams forth with warn of rocks below. Past land and deeps above wave’s roar  over stone’s rend light sings sure – Thanos Above is a miniature lighthouse etched in a block of crystal … Continue reading

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