Snow in KC

snow.jpg Dust Of Snow

 The way a crow
 Shook down on me
 The dust of snow
 From a hemlock tree
 Has given my heart
 A change of mood
 And saved some part
 Of a day I had rued.

 — Robert Frost

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2 Responses to Snow in KC

  1. Aknot says:

    Sorry to hear about the snow. It’s starting to get cold down here also, but I still haven’t turned off the AC yet (it’s still getting into the 80’s). I’ll take a snowy day over a humid day anytime…it’s just when the snow days start turning into snow weeks and then snow months that I realize humidity isn’t really that bad.

  2. Thanos says:

    arggggh. Actually we are kind of liking the snow, it reminds us of being home in Alaska.

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