Daily Archives: November 30, 2006

Taliban Ban Press in North Waziristan

Please stop by The Fourth Rail, Bill Roggio has a write up on the Taliban attempts to muzzle the press, and ban periodicals in North Waziristan. There’s also a wonderful tribute to America in the comments section well worth the … Continue reading

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Snow in KC

 Dust Of Snow  The way a crow  Shook down on me  The dust of snow  From a hemlock tree  Has given my heart  A change of mood  And saved some part  Of a day I had rued.  — Robert Frost

Posted in Art, Blogging | 2 Comments

AP “Al-Qaida Press” in More blunders

Gateway Pundit has the Skinny and details Here and Here. Of course they are denying everything, when in reality they ought to be pulling credentials and firing the reporters who put in these false, inflammatory, and totally bogus reports. Iraqi’s  have … Continue reading

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