I really don’t think this is what most people think
when they use this phrase!
Pogo Moose Incident -Fairbanks, Alaska
“They were laying new power cables which were strung
on the ground for miles. The moose are rutting right
now and very agitated. He was thrashing around and got
his antlers stuck in the cables. When the men (miles
away) began pulling the lines up with their big equipment,
the moose went up with them. They noticed excess tension
in the lines and went searching for the problem. He was
still alive when they lowered him. to the ground. He
was a huge 60 inch bull and slightly peeved…
— Contributed From Alaska by my Father.
Ah, I can hear it now.
A small, tenor voice. And a slightly larger alto one.
“Uh, gee Rock’, I was just polishin’ my antlers. What’s the matter?”
“Look down.”
“Huh?” (Looks down.) “Uh-oh………..”
You are probably right! I bet it was Boris and Natasha pulling the cable. 🙂
Eeez beeg trouble for Moose… Not so sure about skvirreel.