Daily Archives: July 15, 2006


The London-based Arabic language newspaper Al-Hayat reported Saturday that “Washington has information according to which Israel gave Damascus 72 hours to stop Hizbullah’s activity along the Lebanon-Israel border and bring about the release the two kidnapped IDF soldiers or it would launch an offensive with disastrous consequences Continue reading

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Breaking: C-802 Missle hit Israeli Ship, not a UAV drone

Fox news has just reported that it was a Chinese C-802 missle that hit the Israeli warship killing two sailors, while it was on-duty blockading the harbor in Lebanon. The two other missing sailors have not yet been found. The Israeli ship was partly towed to it’s harbor after the hit, but halfway through the trip managed enough repairs to start moving on its own engines. Continue reading

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Bush and Putin at G8

The good news is that Putin did mostly agree with Bush on substance, if not fully on approach. When Bush stated that Hezbollah was responsible for the violence, Putin agreed. When Bush stated that Syria and Iran needed to exert their influence to stop the violence Putin also agreed. When Bush stated clearly that both Korea and Iran should not have nuclear weapons and missles, Putin agreed. President Bush characterized the six nations negotiating with both Korea and Iran as in agreement, and that the only differences were on semantics and language. Again the head-nod from Putin. Continue reading

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