Daily Archives: July 9, 2006

The New York Times is “going to need a bigger boat.”

In an article at The Right Angle, Amanda B. Carpenter points out the New York’s Times clear misunderstanding of tax cut impacts:

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Black Tuesday comes next week

The folks at ISC remind us that Black Tuesday comes next week with new security bulletins and patches coming from Microsoft. If you have Gates Gear remember to patch next week. Published: 2006-07-07, Last Updated: 2006-07-07 22:56:04 UTC by John … Continue reading

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14 Year old Nigerian Girl Stoned to death

When my daughter was fourteen she got new glasses and cried after because “they were too big.” I still remember that moment, and I can picture her perfectly at that age — and it makes me deeply angry that anyone could do this for any reason to any 14 year old child. Continue reading

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Rod Adams Calls Carl Pope out

I am wondering if Carl will respond: see the Sierra Club’s Excutive Director’s latest inanities Uber-Fisked here. Continue reading

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Sectarian or Legitimate?

The news reported at Yahoo makes this seem like random killing, and that is not the right path. To be free the people of Iraq must find the real terrorists, must eradicate Al Qaida and the Muslim brotherhood from their country like an evil weed. Randomly killing Sunnis, or Randomly killing Shia is not the way — you do not defeat evil by becoming evil.

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