Daily Archives: July 18, 2006

Breaking: Israeli Troops Enter Southern Lebanon

In the raids that we’ve been expecting, Israel has invaded southern Lebanon to hit specific strongholds of Hizbullah. See the story, and some commentary on CNN’s coverage of this at Little Green Footballs. Continue reading

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Birds of a Feather, Slackers, and Unintended Consequences

We’ve been at war now five years, and congress has been seriously slacking. It’s easier for most to criticize President Bush and score face-time with the media than actually do they job their constituents elected them to do. So we have a strange amalgam of Republicans and Democrats, all on the President’s back for failing to do his duty right when they haven’t created the legislation needed to protect Americans and to enable federal agencies to protect us. Continue reading

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Syria Smuggling rockets to Hezbullah, Israel intercepts

Israel has intercepted Syrian Army rockets being smuggled into Lebanon, a clear indication that Syria is directly involved, and in violation of a UN resolution banning giving arms to Hizbullah. Continue reading

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