Daily Archives: July 5, 2006

More good news from Iraq, the terrorist roundups continue

Iraqi army forces raided a rural farmhouse southwest of Baghdad early July 3, capturing 14 members of an al Qaeda foreign fighter cell and killing a key terrorist facilitator. Continue reading

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Kim readies new Taepodong

Sometimes you have to question Kim’s sanity, he’s already solidified so much opposition with his earlier missle launches (7 all told, 1 Taepodong dud, 6 Scuds,) that he is certain to catch some reprecussions. Add to that his kidnapping, drug running, and counterfeiting operation and you soon realize this guy knows no bounds. Continue reading

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Conduct Unbecoming

I hope that Ehren Watada’s replacement survives the duty, and I hope when it’s over he goes to the cell that Watada will be in and spits in his face. Continue reading

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All Available Boats! exhibit open

Minutes after the first terrorist-hijacked jetliner hit the north tower, the Coast Guard base on Staten Island put out a call on the harbor maritime network: “All available boats!” Continue reading

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