Hezbollah Kidnaps Two IDF soldiers at Lebanon border; It’s WAR


Israel declares war and readies for same from Haaretz:

Reserve IDF division called up in wake of attack; Nasrallah: Prisoner swap only way to free soldiers

8 soldiers killed, 2 snatched in Hezbollah border attacks

Amos Harel, Avi Issacharoff, Jack Khoury and Yoav Stern, Haaretz Correspondents, and Agencies

Eight Israel Defense Forces soldiers were killed and two others were abducted Wednesday in attacks by guerillas from the militant Hezbollah organization. Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah said Wednesday evening that a prisoner exchange was the only way to secure the release of the soldiers, who he said were being held in a “secure and remote” location. “No military operation will return them,” Nasrallah told a news conference in Beirut. “The prisoners will not be returned except through one way: indirect negotiations and a trade.”

updated Yahoo article Update: Per Fox news Israel just blew up the Foreign Ministry, and and Israeli tank made it a mile in and was hit by a mine. The airstrike took place at 2:06.

This is an unconscionable move by Hizzbullah, it is an act of war, if the lebanese and the syrians do not return the captive, then Israel should war on them for real. I fully support the IDF in their front of WW III. 

Earlier post from this morning:

Hezbollah terrorists invaded Israel from Lebanon and attacked a jeep patrol, kidnapping two IDF soldiers. This was apparently well-coordinated as their demands were being broadcast on TV almost immediately afterwards. Article from Haaretz:

Hezbollah kidnapped two Israel Defense Forces soldiers on the northern border in the midst of massive shelling attacks on Israel’s north Wednesday morning. The IDF confirmed two of its soldiers were missing on the Lebanese border. Hezbollah fighters attacked two IDF armored Hummer jeeps patrolling along the border with gunfire and explosives. The Hezbollah fighters nabbed two of the soldiers and wounded others in the Hummers. 

Yahoo Article  

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