Some Good Questions on Healthcare

Some Good Questions on Healthcare

Since this health care bill has been 100 percent crafted by West state urban Democrats, what are the long term effects and unforseen consequences to rural and suburban clinics, hospitals, and services? Even if they have the best of intentions they also have some inescapable urban bias due to their lack of knowledge about rural and suburban health care.

Will non-urban providers be able to meet the inevitable regulations, policies, and guidelines that regulation like this creates? Will the catch 22’s in the bill put some out of business? Will patients need to drive long distances to receive health care, only to wait in long lines in Urban hospitals? Will this impact boutique and flat fee clinics that have been springing up and defraying costs? Will rural patients need to pay out of pocket for urgent care needs if that drive is too long for the serious nature of the problem? Will some Rural and suburban hospitals and clinics close because they are unable to meet the burdens of new requirements?

I don’t have the answers folks, but these are all good questions to be asking.

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One Response to Some Good Questions on Healthcare

  1. Hank says:

    |Instead of trying to force the health care reform through Congress and
    down our throats, why doesn’t Obama start investigating the insurance
    rates. I think a lot of the problems are in the rates the insurance companies
    charge and the things they will and will not pay for. This healthcare plan
    that they are hoping to pass is BS, and this nation cannot afford the costs
    of insuring every man, woman and child who does not have health insurance. The more people on a group insurance, the lower the costs
    at least that was the way before everyone started sueing….

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